
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Mind of the Child: Nilanjana Haldar's Quiet Screams to the Quiet Healer by Ubaji Isiaka Abubakar Eazy

The Mind of the Child: Nilanjana Haldar's Quiet Screams to the Quiet Healer                                                                         --Ubaji Isiaka Abubakar Eazy Most parents often make the terrible mistake of thinking their children have no mind of their own and care less about their feelings, but this is far from the truth. Children do have a mind of their own and form opinions based on their experiences and the things they see. But should this amaze parents considering that they (parents) were also once children? You will be amazed at what you, as a parent, would discover if you pry into the mind of your child. This aspect that parents often fail to examine—the mind of the child—is the focal point of Nilanjana Haldar's Quiet Screams to the Quiet Hea...

What happens Behind Closed Doors? by Ubaji Isiaka Abubakar Eazy

Tonza D Ruffin: What happens Behind Closed Doors ? There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face.        --William Shakespeare A successful lawyer with an edgy temper and who knows not how to keep his hands off his wife, beating her even to a state of unconsciousness. The wife, also a successful lawyer, cannot understand why she has tarried in the marriage. Her doctor knows that the many cases of bleedings and injuries he has had to treat could not be from mere accidents; he suspects that whoever put a ring on her finger must be responsible. But even the doctor was not any different for he also subjects his wife to much the same treatment, if not even worse. The lawyers' daughter grows up into a successful lawyer herself. Her parents' life has bred an aversion for the opposite sex; she uses them and dumps them as soon as things begin to get too serious for her comfort. However, she soon meets one man who she hopelessly falls in love with; the o...

The Rights of Parents, Never Forget What they Did for us by Marwan Abdirahman Awl

The Rights of Parents, Never Forget What they Did for us                           Marwan Abdirahman Awl First of all, all praise and thanks to Allah who granted us a little part of His knowledge; not the entire knowledge that belong only to Him. Also, Allah is He who planted us in our parents so that they can bring us up and give us their love, attention, guidance, help, understanding, and wisdom. Secondly, we must appreciate our parents because they sacrificed their life to get us where we are today; be it physically, mentally, and socially. They also spur us to succeed in life as they are our first teachers in the world. The rights of parents are infinite because of their ultimate priority in Islam as they come after monotheism(Tawhiid) in several verses in the Holy Qur'an as this verse proves: 'And your Lord has declared that you not worship except Him, and to parents; good treatment,' (Surah Isra, 23r...