The King and the Golden Pot by Nabiha Abdillahi

The King and the Golden Pot
                                  --Nabiha Abdillahi

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. The king had a beautiful golden pot which he loved so much because he got it as a special gift from his mother before she died.

One day, a goat inserted its head inside the pot belonging to the king, and the head became stuck in it.

When the king heard that a stubborn goat had got its head stuck in his beautiful and beloved golden pot, he became very angry.

Then he called all the people in his country and told them that whoever could remove the pot from the goat's head safely would be rewarded handsomely.
Everyone tried, but all efforts proved abortive.

Fortunately, a man who was travelling past on a journey came and  saw the people around the king's palace. He asked them what was happening there.

They told him the whole story and then he said, 'I know the solution to the king's problem'.

The king said, 'Okay, what are you waiting for? Your reward is on standby. Solve the problem for me already, and I shall make you a happy man'.

The traveller told them what they were to do. He ordered them to slaughter the goat, and told them to cook the head of the goat inside the golden pot.

They did everything that he ordered them to do and were finally able to remove the head of the goat from the King's golden pot because it had shrunk during cooking.

When the king saw his golden pot without the goat's head in it, he smiled and rejoiced gladly to have his pot returned to him in safe condition.

Finally, the king rewarded the traveller with seven Arabian camels and two strong horses, and the traveller continued on his journey happily.

Meet the Writer
Nabiha Abdullahi is 19 years old and she is from Somaliland. She is a medical student, and she is also a Functional English Course student at Qalam Educational and Technical Center (QETC), Hargeisa, Somaliland. Her hobbies include writing and reading. 


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