Bad Friends Corrupt Good Morals
A Short Story by Mohamed Mohamoud Ahmed Once upon a time, there was a boy whose name was Ghuled. He was living with his parents. His parents were very interested in empowering their boy educationally to become the first among others. Ghuled was a student who refused the advice of his parents. He started to follow bad students that he should not even be engaged with and they became close friends. ‘Wasting time is not good,’ his father advised him. ‘But Ahmed replied that time was not important. Despite this, Ghuled's parents promised to send him outside the country for his university education after he must have finished his secondary education. Unfortunately, he did not accept the idea of his parents and turned a deaf ear to their words. He started to smoke cigarettes and chew khat all day till he exhausted his time without anything being achieved. And this was how Ghuled burned his days which became months and then years without any achievement. Many y...