The Story of Haji Abdikarin Hussain (Waraabe) by Nabiha Abdilahi

The Story of Haji Abdikarin Hussain (Waraabe)

                                          --Nabiha Abidlahi

Haji Abdikarin was born in 1905 in a town near Hargeisa called Toon. He was a kind man, and a good person.

The story goes that a certain man had killed his father when he was very young. When he grew up to become an adult and wise enough, his uncles told him of this man who had killed his father. At this time, Somali people upheld a revenge system which permitted the killing of a person who deliberately kills someone else. When they told Abdikarin Hussain of how this man killed his father, it aroused his chagrin and he collected his guns. Together with his uncles, they traced out where the man lived and went to the place.

 The journey was quite far, it took Haji Abdikarin and his uncles many days to arrive at the place. When they finally arrived at the place, they went straight to the man's house and saluted him. They told him that they were wearied travellers and asked if he would not mind accommodating them for the night.

Without any iota of suspicion, the man accepted them, and he provided mats for them to sit on. Then he began to prepare food for them. After a few  minutes, it suddenly began raining. The spot the men were sitting was without roof. The old man got up quickly and began making a tent for them. His actions scared  the men for they could not fathom why he was being too kind to them who to him were mere strangers. They knew not what to think of what he was doing, or trying to get at. Maybe he knew who they were and was trying to play a fast one on them.

Next, the man gave them food and encouraged them to get some rest after they had finished eating. After this, the old man left them and went to sleep.

After everyone had slept and it was midnight, his uncles urged him to go on and take the man now.

"There is no better time than now. Kill him!" they urged.

But Haji Abdikarin laughed! He looked at his uncles and reminded them that the man refused to let them get wet whilst it rained by providing us with a roof all by himself and he gave us his food to eat, and you want me to kill him? He asked them then continued.

"No, No, uncles, you are wrong. I can't kill him."

The uncles were surprised, and they became angry with him. How could they have come this far only for this impudent young fellow to scuttle the mission they had journey for days and waited many years to achieve?

With the rising of the sun and the dawn of a new day, they met the old man and revealed their actual mission to him. The man was scared stiff by this revelation. Haji Abdikarin told him not to be afraid and that assured him that he shall neither come to harm by his sword not that of any one with him there. Haji Abdikarin said he forgives the man because he provided them shelter whilst it rained the evening before. He then asked the man to betroth his daughter to him. The man accepted to give his daughter, but at that time the daughter was very young. The man asked Haji Abdikarin to come back after a few years. Haji Abdikarin accepted and they returned to their town with both parties satiated and happy with the way the matter had ended.

When people heard the story of Haji Abdikarin, they loved him and he became a famous man. All Somali people know Haji Abdikarin and his story. Really, he was one who cherished peace and security not only for himself but also for all Somali people. He worked with all the presidents of Somaliland occupying different positions. His last job with the the last two presidents was as a member of the Council of Elders. He was very honestly in his dealings with people and the presidents he worked with. In return, he commanded a huge respect and awe among his people and the presidents he worked with.

Haji Abdikarin died in May 2019, barely two months ago. He died in Hargeisa National Hospital. More than five thousand people attended his funeral from all Somali nations in Somaliland, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda. And all who were at the funeral attested to the fact that he was a very good man.

When a man is good to others and cherishes peace like Haji Abdikarin, the world will love and honour him, and he would find favour with Allah (SWL). Let the life of Haji Abdikarin be a guiding light to you all, and forgive people for their mistakes so Allah (SWL) can forgive you also.

Nabiha Abdullahi

Meet the Writer
Nabiha Abdullahi is 19 years old and she is from Somaliland. She is a medical student, and she is also a Functional English Course student at Qalam Educational and Technical Center (QETC), Hargeisa, Somaliland. Her hobbies include writing and reading. 


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